Start building for free with a 7-day free trial.
Just a monthly subscription and everything you need to grow.
USD/moFor Startups
USD/moFor small teams
USD/moAs you grow
We'll tailor your website to one of our templates for $949 $1,500
Compare Plans
Compare Plans | Lite | Basic | Plus |
Custom website colours & branding | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Custom domain | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Themes & Template Customization | Premium Templates | Premium Templates | Premium Templates |
Easy-to-use candidate portal | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Streamlined candidate application process | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Blog & Content Management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cookie banner & Privacy Compliance | Yes | Yes | Yes |
In-built SEO & Sitemap | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free SSL Certificate | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Google Analytics Integration | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Contact Form with Email Submissions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Employer "List a Job" Form with Embedded Services | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Detailed & Elegant About Page | Yes | Yes | Yes |
FAQs for Candidates & Clients | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Live Chat Support Integration (e.g., Crisp) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Font Library Access | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mobile Optimization & Responsive Design | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Compare Plans | Lite | Basic | Plus |
Streamlined job posting | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Easy to use job pipelines | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Designed for temporary-locum & full time recruitment | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Candidate search, filter and custom tag | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Preview resume without downloading | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Holistic and customisable candidate profile | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Job templates | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Email Notifications | No | Yes | Yes |
Compare Plans | Lite | Basic | Plus |
Tailored pipelines for temporary recruitment | Yes | Yes | Yes |
All-in-one Scheduler to manage your shifts across all jobs with calendar and list views | No | Yes | Yes |
Customisable onboarding including registrations, certificates, availability, resources & preferred locations | No | Yes | Yes |
Feature-rich candidate portal with available shifts, upcoming shifts, applications, profile & preferences | No | Yes | Yes |
Compare Plans | Lite | Basic | Plus |
Email support | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Too busy to tailor your own website? We can customize your recruitment template for $949.
Have a desired look of your recruitment website in mind? We can create your custom website from scratch.
We offer tailored pricing plans to accommodate your recruitment volume.